Subject requirements
- All tasks will be solved in LMS Moodle, course Geometry.
We recommend using the freeware GeoGebra, Matlab, or online calculators. Students are allowed to refer to either class notes and summaries, textbooks, or other approved material while answering questions (open book exam).
- Students should solve all online tests and two one-hour tests in class time with at least 50% results.
- The sum of acquired points from two in-person tests determines the grade of classified credit. Marking is given by the standard CTU table*
Course sylabus
- Planar analytic geometry, conic section
- Euclidean space, barycentric coordinates
- Conic section
- Graph of a function
- Linear algebra
Matrices, Linear equations (pdf),
Determinants (pdf)
- Linear and affine transformation
- Differential Geometry of Curves
- Differential Geometry of Surfaces
*Grading scale
- > 90 Excellent (A)
- <80-89> Very good (B)
- <70-79> Good (C)
- <60-69> Satisfactory (D)
- <50-59> Sufficient (E)